Hi-I still hear compliments about Sheba every day!  And I always give them your name if people are looking for a pup.  Here she is jumping in to swim. I adore her-can’t imagine life without my dearest dog! Feel free to use the photo on your website.

 I just can’t tell you how many people remark on how pretty she is. She is sometimes standing next to 2 or 3 other golden retrievers (who are NOT ugly!)  and people always single out Sheba for her beauty.  She’s at my feet (as always), as I write this.  My friends also say that they’ve never a known a dog to have such a great social life! We go to different parks or walks all the time.. beaches, friend’s pools, play dates, out for dinner, etc  and yet I feel guilty that I don’t have a big family for her.  Guess she’s content enough with me and our friends.    Deb and Sheba

SHeba jumpingSheba