Rainbow with Polar Bear have a new litter of 6 pups; 4 females and 2 males. They are ready for their new homes now. These parents are both AKC registered and OFA hip and elbow certified. The price will be $1500. We are selling with the 2nd...
Holly and Moses had a nice litter of 10 pups on May 18. There are 7 males and only 3 females. These parents are AKC registered. The price of these pups is $1500 which includes the first vaccination, a microchip and a deworming or 2. These...
Quinter and Tiki, Our two chocolate labs produced a chocolate litter born Nov 9. They are waiting for their new homes. The purchase price is $1300. We are selling these with the 4th vaccination, a microchip and a round of...
Claudia and Polar Bear produced a nice litter of Golden pups born on Feb 7…All lighter colored. These pups are AKC registered and the parents both have their OFA hip and elbow certifications. The price is $1500 and we are selling these...
Wyandotte who is a daughter of Hiawatha and Kodiac had a small litter with Polar Bear. One male and 4 females born Feb 23. These parents and grandparents are all AKC and also OFA hip and elbow certified. The price of these pups is $1800 with the...
Feb 24 Dinah and Moses had a nice darker litter of 8 pups; 3 females and 5 males. This will be your chance for a darker pup if you like darker! There are not so many dark pups around anymore! These parents are...