Parents ChiappaChiappa -mother MosesMoses-father of the pups Chiappa and Moses produced a litter that came August 16. We have 3 males and 2 females. Very nice pups. The price is still $1850. These parents are AKC registered and OFA hip and...
Parents HarmonyHarmony- mother of the pups IthacaIthaca-father of the pups-out of our CH lines Misty DawnMisty Dawn-Grandma of the pups Harmony and Ithaca produced a nice litter of 7 pups on August 21. There are 3 females and 4 males. These parents are AKC...
Parents PriscillaPriscilla-mother of the pups Priscilla and Ruger produced a small litter of 3 pups born May 16. These parents are of course AKC registered and Hip and elbow certified with OFA. The price is $1850. We sell with the first vaccinations,...
Parents IthacaIthaca-father of the pups FalconFalcon-mother of the pups Falcon and Ithaca produced a medium sized litter on May 17. These pups are AKC registered and the parents are OFA certified. The price is $2100. We sell with the first...
Parents Betsy by the flowersBetsy; mother of the pups BlueBlue the father dog Our 2 chocolate Labs; Betsy and Blue produced a nice litter of 10 pups on May 19. These pups are of course AKC registered and the parents are OFA hip and elbow certified. The...
Parents ZoeyZoey; mother of the pups MosesMoses-father of the pups Our female Zoey and our good male Moses produced a large litter of pups born April 30. April 30 is a special day as its my last child’s birthday and my first grandchild’s...