Parents miah Miah and Jasper Our yellow lab male named Jasper fathered a litter with a mother dog named Miah who is a daughter of our Cougar. The pups were born March 23. The parents are of course AKC registered and both OFA hip and elbow certified. ...
Parents ChiappaChiappa-mother of the pups MosesMoses-father of the pups Chiappa with Moses produced a nice large litter born Feb 18. These parents are of course AKC registered and both OFA hip and elbow certified. The price is $1850. We sell with the...
Parents KimberKimber; a daughter of Polar Bear-mother of the pups Kimber (who is out of our Polar Bear) produced a nice litter with Ruger (a son of Moses). The pups were born Feb 21-making it a busy Sunday for us! These Parents are of course AKC...
Parents WyandotteWyandotte-mother of the Pups MosesMoses-father of the pups Kodiac KingKodiac-father of Wyandotte HiawathaHiawatha; mother of Wyandotte Wyandotte (who is a daughter of Kodiac), together with Moses produced a small litter of Golden Retriever pups born...
Parents CrystalCrystal-mother dog Our two yellow English style Labs Cougar and Crystal produced a nice litter of 8 pups born on Feb 5. These parents are of course AKC registered and OFA hip and elbow certified. The price is $1500. We sell with the...
Parents BlueBlue-chocolate lab male; father of the litter Browning-Lab FemaleBrowning; mother of the litter Browning; together with Blue produced a nice litter of chocolate lab pups on January 8th. These parents are both AKC registered and hip and elbow OFA...