​Here are the rest…

  • #1 Baby Jack…first Golden from Chiricahua Retrievers.  Born August 2007
  • #2 Baby Jack with Hannah
  • #3 Jack
  • #4  and 5 Kate…got her in early 2008, she was older and the last of her litter.  Need to find her papers for exact birth date. Ithink she was nearly 4 months when we got her.
  • #6  this is a recent pic of Kate.  Sweet older lady now.  Sam is always fussing over her…she gets annoyed at times but is very gentle with him…and patient!
  • #7 Jack and Kate in the pool…both loved swimming.  Kate still goes in nearly everyday.  
  • #8  Jack and Kate with Hannah and us…a while ago!
  • #9  Kate, Jack, and Elle (a girl we adopted from the Humane Society)…they are waiting to go swimming.   
We have really enjoyed all of our dogs from you, Sharon.  They have all had happy lives.