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Our Beautiful Reacher!

Our Beautiful Reacher!

Our beautiful Reacher!…. otherwise known as Mister Mellow- a friendly and lovable personality he is a delight to know. He came to us a month ago at 8 months- already housebroken and well behaved- we are so lucky! He loves to romp and play with our female golden puppy but is careful around our old lady golden- the perfect fit. We look forward to many years of swimming, hiking and running with our new companion. Thank you so much Sharon for raising such wonderful pups! Caryl and Bill Wallin Reacher 8 mo lab male pup

Happy Thanksgiving Sharon!

Just wanted to let you know its been one year since Reacher came to live with us…we are thrilled with him and he is thriving!  He has been through all his basic training and passed his canine good citizen test with flying colors…he is now doing very well in sport agility classes.  We love him to death.

Thanks for all you do…Caryl and Bill Wallin

Our Beautiful Reacher!

Our Puppy; Clementine

Hi Sharon,

My husband Matt and I bought one of you puppies Valentines week of this year. Clementine, is now almost 7 months (her birthday was January 1, 2012). Matt and I thought we should send you an email to tell you how much we absolutely love her. She is truly the best dog in the world. She is incredibly well behaved, a great swimmer, great with children, and loves more than anything to go walking or running with us (which she does twice a day) She was easy to train, and responds so well to commands. She is also beautiful! Her coat has grown in nicely- her coloring is so pretty, and she is very shiny. We get so many complements on Clementine, everything from how fun she is, to how well behaved and of course, how beautiful she is. We wanted to share a few pictures with you as well, which are attached.

Thank you so much for our Clementine, she is such a joy in our life and we think you and your husband do a fantastic job. You truly raise amazing dogs! If we decide to get another dog, we will defiantly be back to visit your farm. Thank you!

Warm wishes,

Elizabeth & Matt (& Clementine) McDonnell


Our Beautiful Reacher!

Sir Charles

Charlie at 6 months. Every day is an adventure with him. He gets neutered on the 17th, but don ‘t know if it will slow him down any. He has more friends in the neighborhood than we do. I think that Chiricahua out did themselves in breeding him.  John Dunbar

Sir Charles

 Later at 8 months.  “Charlie has always been a joy having a fine sense of humor.  Now if I could just convince him that he really is not the head of household.  As you are aware, I have considered your dogs to be of outstanding value.  Everywhere we take him we get the compliment on his being such a fine animal.”

 Charlie at 8 months

Chewie; a yellow lab pup

In June of 2012, we got a Yellow Male Labrador puppy from Chiricahua Retrievers in Wilcox, Arizona.  He was 6 weeks old when we got him.  He just recently passed 10 weeks old.  The puppy is extremely intelligent, smarter than any Lab puppy we have ever had (and we have raised several litters of our own and had labs for over 20 years).

He housebroke himself at 7 weeks, going to the door and asking to go out. He adapted to his crate within two nights, and now sleeps all night (or plays quietly) and only asks to be released when the sun rises. He is very curious and is rapidly learning basic obedience and tricks.  He learned “sit” and “come” right away.  He has also learned to heal on a loose leash walk, sit when we stop walking, lie down, and has two tricks; Bowing and standing on his hind legs pawing the air like a little bear.

He is very people friendly, going up to everyone new he meets.  He plays constantly with our 6-year old lab and loves to meet new dogs, although we have not taken him out to meet very many dogs until he has completed his full range of vaccinations.

He is very healthy, has good conformation and coloring, and, as mentioned above, is extremely smart and learns very fast for a puppy his age.  I can highly recommend Chiricahua Retrievers if you are looking for a good Labrador pup.

– Dave McKeehan, Tucson Arizona
July 3, 2012

Our Beautiful Reacher!

Twinkle-retired in comfort!

Twinkle & Lori

We are SO loving our Twinkle.  She has really blossomed and seems to be a completely different girl from when we got her last April.  She is so playful and beautiful.  She is the perfect girl for accompanying me on my hospice visits and when I visit the assisted living facility to see my father in law.  People are always complimenting her and how well behaved and beautiful she is.  I can’t imagine not having her in my life as she has really brought me such joy (I get teary-eyed just thinking about it).  I would adopt another Twinkle in a minute!!  Lori T.

Our Beautiful Reacher!

Hunting Dog in Training: Achilles

Hey Sharon, 
  Achilles has turned out to be an excellent dog, and my best friend! 🙂  He is always happy to see me, and never complains. (Unless his food bowl is empty and he is hungry. Then he will actually go pick up the bowl and bring it to me. LOL )  He gets along great with my kids, and my wife.  He is halfway through his AKC Star puppy training, and then I will be taking him to formal obediance classes, and gundog courses.  I have already taken him out shooting, and he did excellent!  I was able to put him into a stay, and walk 10 feet away from him, shoot my pistol, and return.  He didn’t even budge an inch! 🙂  He is extremely intelligent, and we just love him to death!  After he is a little older, and his training is complete, I might just come back and get another one from ya! 😉 Again, thank you for an excellent dog.  
Jeremiah Stahl 


Our Beautiful Reacher!

Brian and Pam and Phoebe

Brian and Pam and Phoebe

Hi Sharon, Phoebe will be 2 years old on Jan 3…thought you’d like to see how she looks!  She is a cherished member of our family.

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!


Laura & Nate with Sandi & Cali

Happy with our dogs.

Just wanted to write and wish you and your family a Happy Holiday! Sandi and Cali are doing great! They are truly a great joy to have, and we are so glad we ended up with such great dogs! They are such a great addition to our little family!

We just have been exploring the new world with them since we have been back here in San Diego. They love their “cousin” Zoey (Laura’s parent’s Lab), love to go hiking, love to go for rides in the car, and absolutely love swimming at the beach!

We thought we would send along our holiday card photo, so you could see how they are growing! We have already gotten many comments on how beautiful they are!


Thanks again! We hope that you and your family have a great holiday season!

Laura, Nate, Sandi, and Cali

I am extremely impressed with this puppy.

We found Chiricahua Retrievers web site about two years ago. We had researched many breeders in our local area to find a reputable and quality breeder of golden retrievers. As we followed the litters of Chiricahua puppies over this time, we appreciated the environment in which the golden retrievers and Labrador retrievers were bred and raised. When I called Chiricahua Retrievers, there was one male puppy left in the Thanksgiving litter.

We drove to Willcox to see the puppy and we instantly fell in love with him, purchased him and took him home. The puppy’s name is Bailey and after only two weeks, Bailey is already close to being house trained. He is even using the dog door, is kennel trained and loves his kennel.  I am extremely impressed with this puppy. He wakes to go out only once at night. He is fearless and extremely intelligent.  I have
never had a golden puppy train this quickly before, i.e. taking well to house breaking, the leash, and the kennel. Yesterday Bailey went for his first vet visit and is in exceptionally good health. We really appreciate Chiricahua Retrievers for providing us this wonderful puppy!

Well worth the beautiful drive down to Willcox.
-Patricia Brown-

Cindy and Jazze – almost there.

Hi Sharon,  long time since I have communicated but that is only because I don’t get on the computer as often as I should.

I thought you might be interested that Jazz and I are just about ready for certification.  She is doing so well and even though I am unable to walk very fast she has learned not to pull as much on the leash as we or I should say I stumble down the street.  She will wait for me and brace me when I get too tired to walk any further.  She opens the refrigerator door, pantry, and clothes closet.  Of course I put stretchy socks on the handles so she can pull them open.  She takes my socks of and also gets my shoes.  She will pick up and give me almost anything I drop without even saying any things.  Of course she loves people and has taught herself to pick up a shoe when people come in se she won’t jump on them.  With the shoe in her mouth she talks to them, wags her tail and gives them the wonderful golden lean.

She has been a life saver to me.  A lot of work but that is okay.  It gives me something to do, gets me out of the house and gives me love and devotion as only a Golden can do.  She is beautiful.

Thank you so much for all of your help and I hope one of of these days I bring her out to see you.

Cindy Lasco and Jazz..

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